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Insulated Coffee Pot

Insulated Coffee Pot

Regular price €24,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,95 EUR
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This stainless steel, double walled French Press cafetiere, is a pot for life.. Insulated, to keep your brew warm, throughout that endless zoom call. This pot will replace decades of single use coffee pods. The last figures from Nestlé reveal that 68% of Nespresso coffee pods are not recycled at all. That means that 9.5 BILLION coffee pods go to landfill every year.  There is no silver bullet for that kind of profligate waste, but a steel pot is a good start.😊

This stylish, solid pot, is a design triumph, with a lid that seals the spout, to maintain the temperature.

The pot holds 300ml, about the contents of a standard takeout cup and is 140mm high, with a diameter of 75mm.

Top sustainable tip. Only put enough water to fill the pot into your kettle and always recycle the bag that your coffee comes in😊

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